OpenUP with ArpiKarapetyan | Episode #2 | Tigran Jrbashyan

The guest of OpenUP. Episode 2 was Tigran Jrbashyan, while the entire evening was accompanied by jazz pianist Karen Grigoryan. In the format of coaching, games, cozy atmosphere and positive vibes, we immersed ourselves in various stories, feelings, fears, aspirations and other interesting areas of Tigran’s life.
Tune in to our next episode where, with another guest, Arpi will take a unique journey of self-discovery and in-depth conversation.

Telling a story on the importance of the THIRD DOOR

At the presentation of Alex Banayan’s “The Third Door” book, telling a real, incredible and adventurous story that happened to me at Chicago airport, where I was saved by an unexpected third door.

Career Orientation in our new reality, Yerevan

In various fields, global developments are reshaping the entire logic of entering the job market, making it dynamic and ever-changing. I had the privilege of delivering the opening speech at the Talent Connect event addressing the evolving landscape of career orientation in our new reality.[foogallery id="4054"]

OSHRM 7th Conference on the Future of Work, Muscat

I was planned to hold an interactive and educative group coaching workshop to elevate teamwork, diagnose group dynamics, and refine communication skills at the OSHRM 7th Conference on the Future of Work…
Had a great time networking and discussing the latest trends in AI, HR, and the future of work with like-minded people.

Lemon or Lemonade? Find your role… at SHRM MENA 2023 Dubai Conference

In our world, where lemons can show up unexpectedly, let’s keep turning them into the sweetest lemonade and making waves in our workplaces and communities! “Lemon or Lemonade: Find your role…” at SHRM Middle East & North Africa Conference & Expo 2023 in Dubai.

You are just a step away from transformation – let’s together unfold your potential to make a change.