Human resource development trends, projects and tools in Armenia

Being a pioneer in the human resource management market in Armenia, our company has gone through many stages, maintaining flexibility to all the changes that exist in the field of HRM in the world and in the Armenian reality.

This year on June 18 we are celebrating the 15th anniversary of Cascade People & Business. We have introduced many tools to the market during this time, we have had many interesting and bright projects, and we have changed more than ten thousand lives, and as our slogan suggests, we bring change.

About my Masterclass at “reStart: Mind, heart, and PR” Conference in Serbia

In this interactive, educative and funny workshop the participants had a chance to play a game that gave them better insights into different communication styles and how to adapt to them. The game acts as a team selection tool, as well as, Improves team communication, enhances team logic, and makes team diagnosis.

Around 1,000 participants of the 44-day war received new skills for employment

The knowledge and skills acquired within the framework of the Nor Ej initiative help participants of the 2020 44-day war integrate into the labor market more easily and quickly.
Almost a thousand participants of the war, 18-30 years old, took advantage of the Nor Ej program. The goal of the program is to provide young people with the opportunity to gain the necessary knowledge and skills in the field of activity that interests them. This way, they can get the job they want faster.