GortsON project
In 2020, with a joint partnership, have implemented the “GortsON” 1st Marathon that aimed to support people, who have lost their jobs because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Served as a Marathon leader and held a master class about the 10 main principles of Human Resource Management. The 2nd marathon, again with joint partnership, was organized […]
professions. ReCHARGE
Since May 2020, organized and led a series of on-line professional meetings with successful and experienced professionals to reflect on different occupations, educate and help youth in their career choices and concentrate on the new trends. The aim was to distinguish and showcase what the youth should learn, what skills they need to develop and […]
HR academy
Initiated and designed the HR academy that aims to train and certify high-level HR professionals, who want to grow in the field of human resource management. HR academy is an effective combination of in-depth theoretical knowledge and practical work in the field of HR, the program of which is aligned with SHRM Body of Applied […]
Nor Ej
In December 2020, initiated a social responsibility program, which is aimed at supporting those who have participated in military actions, gained temporary or permanent physical disabilities and/or post-traumatic stress disorder and have been demobilized. The goal of the project is to reduce the gap between skills of the workforce and the needs of employers as a result of the overall crisis situation in Armenia.
The project, on one hand, targets about 1,000+ young people aged 18-30, with whom professional interviews will be conducted (competencies and desires). On the other hand, the project intends to cooperate with around 500 organizations and institutions to measure their requirements in the workforce. Based on the obtained data, matching, professional orientation programs, training and development courses in different professional directions, upskilling and reskilling programs (mostly in the segment of TVET) will be organized.
jobbit Salary Survey innovative tool
From 2020, Cascade People & Business has been working on a completely new tool that will transform the sphere of salary review and set new trends to give an objective overview on compensation package of different occupations. The tool launched in September of 2022 offers a novel approach with a novel methodology in the field […]
zoom in!
In 2016, developed and co-train the zoom in! © program, which is an alternative solution to the professional and career orientation programs aimed to help teenagers and youth dig in their true potential and outline the main directions of their future growth. The program intends to help them cognize their personality, identify their strengths, aspirations, […]
Annual Regional Conference
Since 2012, every year organize and lead Regional HR Conferences involving more than 200 international speakers and around 3,000 participants from 40 countries. It has become a space for professional networking with the best chance to be updated with the international challenges and trends in People Management and Leadership. 70-80% of the conference speakers are […]