Human capital at the heart of business. How does HR live in Armenia? “Anatomy of the Business”

The founding of the HR Association was logical. When Cascade People & Business was founded and the question arose, how to grow the business, it turned out that the human resources area is one of the weakest points in business. It was necessary to explain to people that HR and PR are not the same. This community was created, from where joint development and experience exchange began. Previously, if the number of registrants was only 5 people, now it has reached 700. The development is obvious. The positive trend continues. Already every 4th wants to become a part of the industry. And to understand how much it helps the business, one must first understand the purpose of the business.


COAFians of the SMART Management program had a master class with Arpi Karapetyan dedicated to developing a culture of teamwork. Tune in to see the fun game they played to test their communication skills.