In our world, where lemons can show up unexpectedly, let's keep turning them into the sweetest lemonade and making waves in our workplaces and communities! "Lemon or Lemonade: Find your role…" at SHRM Middle East & North Africa Conference & Expo 2023 in Dubai. You are just a step away...
On September 29, amid uncertainty, the 11th Annual Regional Conference entitled "The Nature of Leadership" took place as a testament to our commitment to fostering alternative leadership development in challenging times. The conference became a hub for talking about leadership differently, creating a space for reflecting, rethinking norms, embracing fresh...
Talking about the alternative methods of leadership, discovering your potential, unique masterclasses, and long-awaited The Nature of Leadership 11th Annual Regional Conference at Barev Erkir program....
Talking with Raffi Kasarjian about HR developments in Armenia, the application of industry experience, the steps to properly represent the organization, and of course, the upcoming plans of Cascade People & Business....
In this interactive, educative and funny workshop the participants had a chance to play a game that gave them better insights into different communication styles and how to adapt to them. The game acts as a team selection tool, as well as, Improves team communication, enhances team logic, and makes...
The founding of the HR Association was logical. When Cascade People & Business was founded and the question arose, how to grow the business, it turned out that the human resources area is one of the weakest points in business. It was necessary to explain to people that HR and...
The speech goes through the complex analysis of HR trends worldwide with the help of logical levels of Robert Dilts. The core deliverable is to understand what are the roles of HR that we should play in the contemporary world....